Friday, January 21, 2011

Website Spotlight: The Hunger Site

The focus of this week's post is about giving back. One of the perks that comes with using coupons, is being able to buy items for free and being able to donate them to those less fortunate.

Even when things are tight, you still have the opportunity to give back. donates 1.1 cups of food to various hunger project around the world per unique "click" on their button. Once you go to the homepage, click on the yellow button that says "Click here, it's Free." It's that easy.

As long as you're there, click on their other tabs, such as The Breast Cancer Site, which provides free mammograms for women in need or the The Rain Forest Site, which helps preserve 11.4 square feet of rain forest with every click.

It is so simple, literally one minute of your day. But it makes a difference, especially if you pass the link along to your friends. Remember to always give back - even though your own personal circumstance may seem unbearable, there is always someone out there who would love to be in your shoes.

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